clear_layer_stack (index : integer)

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clear_layer_stack (index : integer)

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Deletes all layers of a layer stack and assigns 'Vacuum' to the top and bottom halfspaces.

The position of the layer stack in the list of layer stacks is given by index (stacks are numbered 1, 2, 3, ...).


VisualBasic example:

  wcd.clear_layer_stack (1)


 User guide > OLE automation > Methods > clear_layer_stack (index : integer)

clear_layer_stack (index : integer)

Navigation:  User guide > OLE automation > Methods >

clear_layer_stack (index : integer)

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Deletes all layers of a layer stack and assigns 'Vacuum' to the top and bottom halfspaces.

The position of the layer stack in the list of layer stacks is given by index (stacks are numbered 1, 2, 3, ...).


VisualBasic example:

  wcd.clear_layer_stack (1)