Returns or sets the emissivity of the interface given by index in the spectrum object given by spectrum.
Please note:
Spectra are counted 1, 2, 3, ...
Emissivity positions are counted according to the following scheme:
0 (external surface of the glazing)
1 (surface of the first pane pointing to the interior)
2 (surface of the second pane pointing to the exterior)
3 (surface of the second pane pointing to the interior)
Returns or sets the emissivity of the interface given by index in the spectrum object given by spectrum.
Please note:
Spectra are counted 1, 2, 3, ...
Emissivity positions are counted according to the following scheme:
0 (external surface of the glazing)
1 (surface of the first pane pointing to the interior)
2 (surface of the second pane pointing to the exterior)
3 (surface of the second pane pointing to the interior)