Fit parameter list

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Fit parameter list

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The script command 'object command' can be directed to the fit parameter list by setting the name of the object to 'fit parameter list'. The following table summarizes the routines which may be called. An example of a script line is 'object command, fit parameter list, set active material, silicon'.



Script command


active material remove weak oscillators, threshold for oscillator strength

Deletes all oscillators of the active material with oscillator strength smaller than the specified threshold

active material select all oscillator damping constants

Selects the damping constants of all oscillators of the active material as fit parameters

active material select all oscillator parameters

Select all oscillator parameters of the active material as fit parameters

active material select all oscillator strengths

Select all oscillator parameters of the active material as fit parameters

active material select all parameters

Selects all oscillator strengths of the active material as fit parameters

active material set default names

Renames all oscillators of the active material, using the resonance frequency as name.

active material sort

Sorts the susceptibilities of the active material with respect to the resonance frequency.

set active material, material name

Select the specified material as active material, i.e the material which is addressed by some of the following commands

delete all

Deletes all fit parameters