Layer stacks

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Layer stacks

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Layer stacks respond to the following arguments:




(Reflectance at 540 nm)

This function returns the reflectance of the layer stack at 540 nm (normal incidence of light)

(Transmittance at 540 nm)

This function returns the transmittance of the layer stack at 540 nm (normal incidence of light)

(Absorption at 540 nm)

This function returns the absorption ( = 1-R-T) of the layer stack at 540 nm (normal incidence of light)

(sheet resistance)

Returns the sheet resistance of the layer stack: For each layer it is checked if a material with a Drude model (or extended Drude model) is assigned. If so, the sheet resistance for this layer is computed using the current values of the Drude model. In case of several conductive layers the total sheet resistance of the stack is calculated.