When the SCOUT configuration is loaded traverse objects try to connect to the stepper motor controller. If that is successful the first action must be calling the 'Find origin' routine. Some actions are forbidden and the corresponding buttons are grayed out until the origin is found.
Once the origin is found all buttons to control the traverse are activated. Use the Move to button to let the traverse travel to a user-defined position, specified in steps. Use the Go home, Go to reference mirror and Go to dark position buttons to move the payload to 3 pre-defined positions.
The button Reset axis position sets the current position to zero, overwriting the rule that the origin of the traverse must be found using the search routine. If you press this button while the payload is not at the origin subsequent motions can cause a crash of the payload at one of the ends of the traverse at full speed. This can severely damage the system!
Warning: Do not use this button unless you are absolutely sure that the payload is at the origin!
Traverse actions can be executed by several script commands:
•object command, my_traverse, set speed, xyz // sets the speed to xyz (integer number)
•object command, my_traverse, set acceleration, xyz // sets the acceleration to xyz (integer number)
•object command, my_traverse, move to position expression // moves to a position which is evaluated from the string expression (expression can be just a number, the name of a master parameter, the name of a fit parameter or an optical function)
•object command, my_traverse, move to glass position and wait expression // moves to a glass position in mm which is evaluated from the string expression (expression can be just a number, the name of a master parameter, the name of a fit parameter or an optical function). The execution of the script is paused until the position has been reached.
•object command, my_traverse, move to glass position expression // moves to a glass position in mm which is evaluated from the string expression (expression can be just a number, the name of a master parameter, the name of a fit parameter or an optical function).
•object command, my_traverse, move to dark position // moves the payload to the dark position
•object command, my_traverse, move to home position // moves the payload to the home position
•object command, my_traverse, move to reference position // moves the payload to the reference position
•object command, my_traverse, find origin // calls the search routine that finds the origin
•object command, my_traverse, wait for position reached // pauses the script until the wanted position of the payload is reached
•object command, my_traverse, edit // brings up the configuration dialog of the traverse object
Some status values of the traverse are accessible through optical functions:
•my_traverse (position_mm) // returns the current position in mm
•my_traverse (position) // returns the current position in steps
•my_traverse (position function) // returns the position function at the current position