Spectrum simulation objects

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Spectrum simulation objects

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Objects in the list of spectra can be controlled in scripts using the following messages:





If a spectrometer object has been assigned as a source for measured data, the last measured spectrum of the spectrometer object is imported

automatic export of measured spectrum to excel file

Saves the measured spectrum to an Excel file in the folder for automatic spectrum export. The filename is composed combining sample name, spectrum name and the position information on the sample (x, y and z). File extension is 'xlsx'.

compute global peak position average, global peak index, number of averaging pixels

Useful for thickness determination by FFT: Refines the position of the global peak with the given index, computing the weighted average position for the range 'center position +- number of pixels'. Before you call this routine, you should have called the routine to compute global peaks for the power spectrum after a FFT thickness determination.

data smoothing

Executes the data smoothing action, using the current values of the relevant parameters

divide by 100

The measured data are divided by 100

do range dialog after import

Activates the range dialog that pops up after an import action

export measured spectrum to workbook

Exports the measured spectrum to the workbook

export simulated spectrum

Lets the user export the simulated spectrum to a file

import from clipboard

Imports the measured spectrum from the clipboard. Another object must have filled the clipboard with appropriate data

import measured spectrum

Lets the user import a measured spectrum

import measured spectrum ignoring reference

Lets the user import a measured spectrum. Multiplying by the reference spectrum is skipped.

import from workbook

Imports a measured spectrum from the workbook

measurement series write measured average to workbook, sheet name,start row, start column, wavelength start, wavelength delta, wavelength number of points

Writes averaged measured values of a measurement series to the workbook. Use this function in combination with view elements of type 'Measurement series'.

The data are written to the specified worksheet, starting at the given row. The column is computed by taking the given value of 'start column' and adding the number of spectra in the series and 1. Values are computed starting at the given minimum wavelength and for the specified number of wavelength points, with a wavelength increment of delta.

measurement series write measured values to workbook,sheet name,start row, start column, wavelength start, wavelength delta, wavelength number of points

Writes measured values of a measurement series to the workbook. Use this function in combination with view elements of type 'Measurement series'.

The data are written to the specified worksheet, starting at the given row. The column is computed by taking the given value of 'start column' and adding the index of the last measurement of the series. Values are stored starting at the given minimum wavelength and for the specified number of wavelength points, with a wavelength increment of delta.

measurement series write simulated average to workbook, sheet name,start row, start column, wavelength start, wavelength delta, wavelength number of points

Writes averaged simulated values of a measurement series to the workbook. Use this function in combination with view elements of type 'Measurement series'.

The data are written to the specified worksheet, starting at the given row. The column is computed by taking the given value of 'start column' and adding the number of spectra in the series and 1. Values are computed starting at the given minimum wavelength and for the specified number of wavelength points, with a wavelength increment of delta.

measurement series write simulated values to workbook, sheet name,start row, start column, wavelength start, wavelength delta, wavelength number of points

Writes simulated values of a measurement series to the workbook. Use this function in combination with view elements of type 'Measurement series'.

The data are written to the specified worksheet, starting at the given row. The column is computed by taking the given value of 'start column' and adding the index of the last measurement of the series. Values are stored starting at the given minimum wavelength and for the specified number of wavelength points, with a wavelength increment of delta.

power spectrum get global peaks, search minimum,search maximum,minimum peak height, minimum peak separation, sort option


Computes position and height of peaks in the power spectrum subobject and stores the values in global data fields. Usually called after a FFT thickness determination routine. The peak search is done between the specified minimum and maximum values. Identified peaks must have a height larger than the given miminum peak height. The search determines the largest peak first, and then looks for further peaks which have a distance from the previously identified peaks larger than the given value of peak separation. Finally, the peaks are sorted according to the sort option: 1 means sorted from high to low, a value of 2 means from low to high.

power spectrum get global peaks averaged, search minimum,search maximum,minimum peak height, minimum peak separation, sort option, points to average

Computes position and height of peaks in the power spectrum subobject and stores the values in global data fields. Usually called after a FFT thickness determination routine. The peak search is done between the specified minimum and maximum values. Identified peaks must have a height larger than the given miminum peak height. The search determines the largest peak first, and then looks for further peaks which have a distance from the previously identified peaks larger than the given value of peak separation. The peaks are sorted according to the sort option: 1 means sorted from high to low, a value of 2 means from low to high.

The FFT delivers a discrete set of possible peak positions - the spacing between these points is given by the wavenumber range used for the FFT. In this method, peak position results can be re-fined by the following procedure: Instead of taking the position of the highest point as result, the method outputs a weighted average over a set of points, starting at the highest point and going upwards and downwards by 'points to average'. If 'points to average' is 3, the method averages over 7 points all together (center point +/- 3 points).

skip range dialog after import

De-activates the range dialog that pops up after an import action

write measured values to workbook,start row, start column, wavelength start, wavelength delta, number of points

Writes the measured values of the spectrum object to the workbook.

The data are written to the specified worksheet, starting at the given row and column. Values are stored starting at the given minimum wavelength and for the specified number of wavelength points, with a wavelength increment of delta.

write simulated values to workbook,start row, start column, wavelength start, wavelength delta, number of points

Writes the simulated values of the spectrum object to the workbook.

The data are written to the specified worksheet, starting at the given row and column. Values are stored starting at the given minimum wavelength and for the specified number of wavelength points, with a wavelength increment of delta.

write spectral positions to workbook,start row, start column, wavelength start, wavelength delta, number of points

Writes spectral positions (wavelengths in most cases) to the workbook.

The data are written to the specified worksheet, starting at the given row and column. Values start at the given minimum wavelength and are incremented by the given value of delta.