In January 2011 we implemented tec5 hardware support. Single spectrometers and systems with 2 spectrometers are supported.
The object controlling a double spectrometer system looks like this:
For each spectrometer (called Channel 1 and Channel 2) you can easily set the integration time and the number of scans to average. Using the buttons Dark, Reference and Sample you can perform the dark measurement (this should be done first), the reference measurement and finally the sample measurement. In order to check the performance of the system, you have displays of the dark signals (to the right), the signals of the reference measurement (in the center) and the final sample spectra (left side) for both channels.
The example shown above is a system recording reflectance and transmittance of a thin film sample simultaneously. In a case like this, you should assign the measured reflectance (channel 1) to a spectrum object that simulates reflectance, and channel 2 should feed a spectrum simulation object computing transmittance.