Automatic view generation

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Automatic view generation

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The easiest way to create views is to activate one of the following automatic procedures that compose standard views. In most cases you can just work with them without further modifications. On the other hand, the automatically generated views can be a convenient basis for user-defined views with additional elements like explaining text, parameters or pictures.

The commands for automatic view generation are found in the Actions submenu of the list of views. You can access this list by the command Objects|Views in the main window.


View of spectra

The command Create view of spectra does the following: First a bitmap view is created that contains a background image. SCOUT tries to find the file view_spectra_background.bmp and loads the image if the file exists. If we delivered a bitmap with this name and you don't like it, feel free to overwrite the picture with the one of your choice.

For each spectrum in the list of spectra SCOUT creates a Field view object and fills it with the right connection to the spectrum. The view objects are distributed in rows and columns. The numbers of rows and columns are computed from the number of spectra to be displayed.


Actual SCOUT versions create spectra views automatically when a configuration without any view is loaded.


View of optical constants

Very much like the view of spectra, you can create a view of the optical constants with the command Create view of optical constants. Again, first a bitmap viewis created that contains a background image. SCOUT tries to find the file view_opticalconstants_background.bmp and loads the image if the file exists. If we delivered a bitmap with this name and you don't like it, feel free to overwrite the picture with the one of your choice.

For each item in the list of dielectric functions (with the exception of vacuum which is not displayed) SCOUT creates a Field view object and fills it with the appropriate connection. The view objects are distributed in rows and columns. The numbers of rows and columns are computed from the number of objects to be displayed.