Output format of the Woollam WAVSE32 software.
This format is for multiple files. SCOUT will handle the data according to the following rules (please read the section below about overwriting these rules as well):
•If the importing object is an ellipsometry spectrum it will accept data only from lines starting with a number in the first column (This indicates ellipsometry data). Secondly, the ellipsometry object will check if the angle of incidence given in the second file column agrees with its own angle. Only in the case of positive identification of spectrum type (ellipsometry) and angle of incidence it will read psi and delta.
•Ellipsometry objects will not do any automatic correction of the type of computed quantities - please check yourself if the model computes Psi and Delta when you import Psi and Delta values. If the imported data are trigonometric functions of Psi and Delta you have to do appropriate settings in the ellipsometry object to compute the same quantities in the model.
Reflectance and transmittance:
•In the case of reflectance or transmittance spectra, SCOUT will scan the WVASE32 file for lines starting with identifiers like 'uT' or 'sRr'.
•In the case of non-normal incidence of light, SCOUT will only accept data lines with a polarization state matching the polarization settings of the model: The first letter of the data line indicates the polarization: 's' denotes s-polarization, 'p' stands for p-polarization and 'u' is for unpolarized radiation.
•In the case of normal incidence (exactly 0 degree or 180 degree), SCOUT will scan for data lines starting with 'u' independent of the polarization settings of the model (If you would set the polarization in the model to 'mixed' SCOUT would compute both s- and p-polarized spectra and do the averaging. This would take twice as long as the computation of a single spectrum).
•In the case of a computed reflectance spectrum, SCOUT will only accept lines for which the 2nd letter is 'R'.
•In the case of a computed transmittance spectrum, SCOUT will only accept lines for which the 2nd letter is 'T'.
•If the angle of incidence in the model is larger than 90 degree, only data lines with the 3rd letter equal to 'r' are considered.
•If the angle of incidence is below 90 degrees, the third letter must be 'b' for reflectance (i.e. including backside reflection).
•In the case of transmittance and angles below 90 degrees, the 3rd letter must be blank. The Woollam software does not create different notations for transmittance spectra with or without multiple backside reflections.
If your WVASE32 files contain all the spectra you need for your SCOUT configuration, you can use the following shortcut for data import: Use the command Actions|Import all spectra from a single WVASE32 ASCII file, select the file and SCOUT will try to import measured spectra for all objects in your list of spectra that import measured spectra.
Overwriting the import rules
You can customize the import of WVASE32 data setting your own choices for the search string and the angle of incidence.
Setting a search string:
Starting with object generation 3.90, the rules to import WVASE32 data which are explained above can be overwritten. In objects that compute reflectance or transmittance spectra you can explicitly set the search string using the local menu command File/Options/WVASE32 import/Search string. For example, you could set the search string to 'uR' - in this case all lines in the data file starting with 'uR' will be considered as input for this spectrum, independent of the rules stated above. After you set the search string empty the rules will apply again.
Setting a search angle:
If you specify a negative search angle (like -1) SCOUT will take the first angle found in the file and set the angle of incidence for the simulation to this value. Lines with angles different from the first one are ignored. The command to be used is the local menu command File/Options/WVASE32 import/Angle of incidence.
Both settings are stored in configuration files.