The examples discussed in this tutorial show the basic features of SCOUT. You should go through them before you start your own 'real' SCOUT work.
Example 1: Carrier concentration from IR reflectance
Definition of a simple optical constant model, a simple layer stack and a simple infrared reflectance spectrum. Manual, visual and automatic parameter fitting.
Example 2: Epilayer thickness from IR reflectance
Modification of an existing SCOUT configuration. Thickness determination from interference pattern analysis.
Example 3: Silver layer on glass, thickness determination
Setting up a model making use of the database of optical constants. Treating thick substrates with incoherent superposition of partial waves. Simple thickness determination in the visible spectral range.
Example 4: Remote control by OLE automation
Control SCOUT from outside by OLE automation. Use VisualBasic as macro language to compute spectra and fill Excel tables with spectra data.