M.Theiss - Hard- and Software for Optical Spectroscopy
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Download files

(most download files are *.zip-files, i.e. compressed to reduce download time and cost)

Things to read

Short PDF documents about SCOUT, CODE, SCORE and GenetiCode

Larger PDF document about our main software products.

VirCoC - the virtual coating company

Follow the story of VirCoC (Virtual Coating Company) to see how our products are used to solve thin film analysis and design problems. Note that VirCoC is not real, and you cannot buy any coating products VirCoC develops. However, you can download the VirCoC database (which is discussed in the documentation) and use the data and program configurations for your own work. The database is available as a compressed zip-file with path information, and you should extract the file reconstructing the original folder structure.

Analyzing optical spectra by computer simulation - from basics to batch mode

A PDF-document about spectrum simulation, summarizing the background and typical applications of this technique.

Developing optical production control methods for SCOUT

A PDF-document about developing SCOUT methods. Good to read if you are looking for a thin film production control solution - even if you are not developing the method yourself but let us do the work.

SPRAY special: Physical models for color prediction

This PDF-document explains how the SPRAY ray-tracing software can be used to predict the optical appearance of printed patterns.

DLL package

Most of our products require some dynamic link libraries (DLLs) which must be copied to the Windows system directory (the folder c:/windows/system32 in most cases) or the program folder of the application. Our setup programs install the required DLLs in almost all cases.

Sometimes the easiest way to update an application is to copy the new executable file and additional DLLs to your system. The link below starts the download of a zip-file containing some recently added DLLs required for the latest program versions.

DLL package download


SCOUT software

!!! November 2005: New download instructions !!!

The download and installation procedure for our products has been modified in November 2005. We are not using the Microsoft Installer any more (which has caused problens in some cases), but go for simple file copy actions instead. Please read the following instructions before you try to update your existing version or to install a completely new version.

Complete installation:

  1. Download the complete setup files using the link below. You will receive a zip-file with all required files and the proper folder structure.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, create the wanted destination folder (e.g. C:/scout/ ) and copy all files and folders from the zip-file to the wanted program directory, preserving the folder structure: Move to the content of the zip-file, select all (Ctrl-A), copy to clipboard (Ctrl-C), move to the destination folder, paste from clipboard (Ctrl-V).
  3. Run the program setup.exe in the destination folder. The setup program will register OCX components used by SCOUT and create desktop shortcuts for program and help files. In some cases this routine copies one or several files to the Windows directory as well.
  4. In order to run SCOUT you will need a so-called 'passport file'. If you have not yet received a valid passport file please contact W.Theiss Hard- and Software.
  5. In case of problems, please read the document installation_remarks.pdf..

Updating an existing program version:

  1. Download the small setup file (program only) using the link below. You will receive a zip-file with the latest version of the program file scout_98.exe.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, create a backup of your old program file, and copy the new version of the file into your SCOUT directory.
  3. In order to run SCOUT you will need a so-called 'passport file'. If you have not yet received a valid passport file please contact W.Theiss Hard- and Software.
  4. In case of problems, please read the document installation_remarks.pdf..



SCOUT (SCOUT version 2.56, complete setup, download size about 21 MB)

SCOUT (SCOUT version 2.56, program only, download size about 2 MB)



Configuration file containing the data shown in Infrared analysis of charge carriers in doped semiconductors


Configuration file containing the data shown in The description of vibrational modes in ionic crystals


Configuration file containing the data shown in OJL application example: BiOx on glass


Configuration file containing the data shown in OJL application example: ITO on glass


Configuration files (1.5 MB) containing the SCOUT and CODE demos

Tutorials, documentation, tools

helpfile.zip containing SCOUT and CODE help files (about 4000 kB), last update: 2004-10-14

tu1.zip containing SCOUT tutorial 1 (740 kB), inspect online version

tu2.zip containing SCOUT tutorial 2 (650 kB), inspect online version

Collection of sketches and background images for SCOUT views: scout_sketch.zip

There are also online versions of these helpfiles: SCOUT

CODE software

!!! November 2005: New download instructions !!!

The download and installation procedure for our products has been modified in November 2005. We are not using the Microsoft Installer any more (which has caused problens in some cases), but go for simple file copy actions instead. Please read the following instructions before you try to update your existing version or to install a completely new version.

Complete installation:

  1. Download the complete setup files using the link below. You will receive a zip-file with all required files and the proper folder structure.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, create the wanted destination folder (e.g. C:/code/ ) and copy all files and folders from the zip-file to the wanted program directory, preserving the folder structure: Move to the content of the zip-file, select all (Ctrl-A), copy to clipboard (Ctrl-C), move to the destination folder, paste from clipboard (Ctrl-V).
  3. Run the program setup.exe in the destination folder. The setup program will register OCX components used by CODE and create desktop shortcuts for program and help files. In some cases this routine copies one or several files to the Windows directory as well.
  4. In order to run CODE you will need a so-called 'passport file'. If you have not yet received a valid passport file please contact W.Theiss Hard- and Software.
  5. In case of problems, please read the document installation_remarks.pdf..

Updating an existing program version:

  1. Download the small setup file (program only) using the link below. You will receive a zip-file with the latest version of the program file win_coat.exe.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, create a backup of your old program file, and copy the new version of the file into your CODE directory.
  3. In order to run CODE you will need a so-called 'passport file'. If you have not yet received a valid passport file please contact W.Theiss Hard- and Software.
  4. In case of problems, please read the document installation_remarks.pdf..



CODE (Coating Designer version 2.54, complete setup files, download size about 22 MB)

CODE (Coating Designer version 2.54, program only, download size about 4 MB)

Tutorials, help, applications

code_tu1.zip containing CODE tutorial 1 (Design of low-E coatings) (450 kB), inspect online version

helpfile.zip containing SCOUT and CODE help files (about 4000 kB), last update: 2004-10-14

There are also online versions of these helpfiles: CODE


'Looking through walls' presentation:

CODE is used by some of our customers to analyze and design functional coatings for architectural glass. A short and simple introduction to so-called 'Low-e' and 'Solar control' coatings was given at the COSP'04 conference in Berlin. The presentation has been shown using the CODE software itself, making use of some interactive parameter variations in order to demonstrate the influence of certain parameters on the performance of glass coatings. This link starts the download of a zip-file which contains

If you are a CODE user and you want to follow the talk including the interactive demonstrations you have to

This will start the presentation (display of the first slide). Use the arrows on the lower left corner to navigate to the next or previous page of the presentation.

GenetiCode software


GenetiCode (GenetiCode 2.44, for registered customers only, about 12 MB, last update: 2005-5-20. Please extract the files contained in the zip file preserving the folder structure. Run the setup.exe program and read carefully the instructions given in the upper section of the setup window.)

SPRAY software

!!! November 2005: New download instructions !!!

The download and installation procedure for our products has been modified in November 2005. We are not using the Microsoft Installer any more (which has caused problens in some cases), but go for simple file copy actions instead. Please read the following instructions before you try to update your existing version or to install a completely new version.

Complete installation:

  1. Download the complete setup files using the link below. You will receive a zip-file with all required files and the proper folder structure.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, create the wanted destination folder (e.g. C:/spray/ ) and copy all files and folders from the zip-file to the wanted program directory, preserving the folder structure: Move to the content of the zip-file, select all (Ctrl-A), copy to clipboard (Ctrl-C), move to the destination folder, paste from clipboard (Ctrl-V).
  3. Run the program setup.exe in the destination folder. The setup program will register OCX components used by SPRAY and create desktop shortcuts for program and help files. In some cases this routine copies one or several files to the Windows directory as well.
  4. In order to run SCOUT you will need a so-called 'passport file'. If you have not yet received a valid passport file please contact W.Theiss Hard- and Software.
  5. In case of problems, please read the document installation_remarks.pdf..

Updating an existing program version:

  1. Download the small setup file (program only) using the link below. You will receive a zip-file with the latest version of the program files spray99.exe and spray_at_night.exe.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, create a backup of your old program file, and copy the new version of the file into your SPRAY directory.
  3. In order to run SPRAY you will need a so-called 'passport file'. If you have not yet received a valid passport file please contact W.Theiss Hard- and Software.
  4. In case of problems, please read the document installation_remarks.pdf..


SPRAY (SPRAY 2.14, spectral ray tracing, full setup, about 25 MB)

SPRAY (SPRAY 2.15, program only, for registered customers only, about 2 MB)

Other software products

DIGIT (shareware utility, current price: 50 USD, click here for a short description, file size: about 1600 kB)

Converter (utility for file conversions, for registered customers only)

Data Factory (data manipulation utility, for registered customers only)

Collect (Multiple spectra plot, for registered customers only)


R_to_DF (KKR analysis of reflectance spectra, for registered customers only)

DirectDF (Direct determination of optical constants from reflectance and transmittance spectra, for registered DirectDF customers only)

DirectDF (Direct determination of optical constants from reflectance and transmittance spectra, for SCOUT and CODE customers only)


FIRST manual (Last update: 2005-2-23)


Responsible for this page: webmaster@mtheiss.com